Thank you, Ms. Margie! Goodluck, Sir Chuck!

Our sincere gratitude goes out to our Founder and former President of the HM US Board, Ms. Margie Koch, for the gift that is Food for Hungry Minds.

In 2003, she set the foundation of Hungry Minds so that it could grow into the organization that it is today. She forged and nurtured partnerships while mentoring Teacher Candy.

Ms. Margie always shared the Hungry Minds stories – not only to global donors and friends – but to everyone she met. She visited our communities in Manila and in Malolos, Bulacan to spend time and listen to the stories of our educators, learners, alumni and their families. She even stayed in one of the homes of our families. Thank you, Ms. Margie, for always inspiring us to continue to transform lives!

This video shows how lives have been changed, as envisioned by Ms. Margie.

In the US,  Hungry Minds leadership has now transitioned to Mr. Chuck Maahs, a  long-time advocate, volunteer, and partner of Hungry Minds. Years ago, during one of his many visits in the Philippines as part of his work for Navitaire, he learned that our kids needed vitamins. He then started to send off several bottles of vitamins to our school every time he was in town. 

Sir Chuck has moved to Accenture since then. He has served the Hungry Minds US Board for several years now. We look forward to your strong leadership, Sir Chuck! 

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