A little help can go a long way.

Individual SponsorsFamily Foundations

Hundreds of smaller donors make the impossible possible.

One donor has given Php 215 (USD $ 5.00) a month every month for 6 years. Another donor contributes Php 43,000 (USD $ 1,000) a year through the United Way campaign. Other donors enjoy celebrating a birthday with a gift toward the children’s needs at school.

“It is truly a remarkable experience that after the long drive and whole day activity, no one from the volunteers had complained that they are tired, or worn-out. Everyone was very happy and smiling as if something inside have been satisfied. For me, it is as if I already hit my monthly target, even though it is only half the month past. Serving others brings greatest fulfillment and joy.”

-Dr. Virgilio Anila, Cargill CSR Champion

“One of the things that differentiates the program is the emphasis on measuring results. We can see the results in math scores, reading scores. Of course, the real test is whether these kids get into competitive high schools – and they are. So, we’re seeing really tangible results, which as business people we like to see.”

-Mike Dickoff, Retired Accenture Partner
Mike and Elizabeth Dickoff, Personal Class Sponsors

“The idea of Hungry Minds just got me excited thinking of investing in the lives of people, especially kids.”

-Rod Velez, One of Hungry Minds’ Filipino Volunteer

“All children are special but what makes our children at Food for Hungry Minds particularly stand out is the community – the Educators, Parents, Friends and Global Connections. They are part of a greater community that not only focuses on educational excellence but one of passion, heart, service and significant perseverance regardless of circumstance. They represent hope for so many.”

-Elisa A. Johnson, College Scholar Sponsor
Director, Enterprise Talent Development – UnitedHealth Group