One more week to go to reach our Feed a Hungry Mind 2016!

One more week to go! We need your help as we aim to reach our goal to feed 130 elementary students until March 2017!

For only Php 50 (US $1), you can already give a Hungry Minds child two meals- breakfast and lunch- for a day in school. Or, donate a sack of rice for Php 2,000 (US $50).

And, we still have donations for matching! This means a Hungry Mind child will get two days of meals for every Php 50 (US $1) you give!

feedahm2016_ver-2Donate and #FeedaHungryMind today! Go to to give via PayPal.

For bank deposits:
PHILIPPINES (Cash or Check)
Food for Hungry Minds School, Inc.
0031- 0698- 31 (BPI – Ayala/Paseo)

US (Check donations via mail)
Food for Hungry Minds
P.O Box 7252
Minneapolis, MN 55407, U.S.A.

For in-kind donations, please email us at