2 days to go!

We are down to the last 2 days of this campaign! Thank you to all those who have supported Feed a Hungry Mind! Your help means that children will be equipped to think and learn in school! We have three more bowls to fill!

Like, share, and donate! ₱45 ($1) will feed a child for a day. Go ahead and ‪#‎feedahungrymindtoday‬.

FeedaHungryMinds2015_6th_V4To donate: Go to https://foodforhungryminds.org/donate/ to give via PayPal.

Philippine Bank deposit:BPI Ayala/Paseo (Cash or Check)
Food for Hungry Minds School, Inc.
Peso Acct. 0031- 0698- 31
US Dollar Acct. 0034-0290-91

US (Check donations)
Food for Hungry Minds
P.O Box 7252
Minneapolis, MN 55407, U.S.A.